Vacation Bible School are three words that I have not used, since I attended only once in the second grade.  But this past week has proven to be one of the best times I have had working with children and learning from each of them and other leaders.  I would like to share how this year’s VBS looked through this worker’s eyes.  There are four lessons that I learned from working VBS this year.

Lesson 1 ~ Preparation
I learned that there is so much that goes on behind the scenes for Vacation Bible School.  The many weeks worth of preparation is one of the keys to a successful VBS.  I had the chance to help prepare for the week of VBS.  There were always copies, copies, and more copies, but to see children’s faces as they learn the verses on a coloring sheet made all the paper cuts and paper jams worth it.  Candy and trinkets were sorted and put into “treasure bags;” so that when a child would answer a question correctly, he would win a little prize.

Lesson 2 ~ The Value of Teachers
This past week I was able to observe one of the classes (5-6 grade girls) one day and then teach the class the next day.  I will be completely honest in saying that I am not a good public speaker, but I realized that these children are like sponges because they soak up everything a teacher says.  They cling to every last word of the lessons.  When they are quizzed over the lessons, they would tell the correct answer and the reason behind it.  Teachers truly do have the ability to shape and mold the children they teach.  I’m truly grateful to have seen teachers, who teach God’s Word with such passion this past week.

Lesson 3 ~ Bible Glasses & Dinosaurs
This year’s VBS was focused on God’s incredible creation.  We spent the week “riding” on the Creation Coaster of Incrediworld.  Each day was spent learning that as Christians, we are to view the world through our “Bible Glasses” (Christian worldview) to determine what was true and right.  On Friday, the main topic was dinosaurs.  I knew these animals were huge, but I had never had a visual aid to help me wrap my brain around how humongous they truly were.  Mr. Stephen showed the entire group of children and leaders that one dinosaur would have stretched from one corner of the gymnasium to the other, which would cut the gym (rectangle) into two triangles.  Wow!  He then showed a diagram that had this same dinosaur and a 6 foot man standing in front of it.  The man’s head came to middle of the dinosaur’s leg, between its knee and foot.  It was incredible!  Our God is so amazing and powerful!

Lesson 4 ~ Power of Prayer
Vacation Bible School may only be for one week, but what these children have learned goes with them forever.  I found myself praying multiple times a day for each of the children that came daily.  This past week they have been surrounded by Biblical truths and godliness, but now they are headed back to their homes and communities.  I should pray for them even more as they go back to be the light in the darkness of this world.  Some are growing up in Christian homes, where it is easier to choose right and be light, but others are the only light in their families.  I ask that you, too, would keep all of these children in your prayers daily.

That was my VBS week: an opportunity to learn and grow.  I can’t wait until next year!  🙂


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